How To Spray Paint Wood For A Professional Finish
If you want to redecorate, get some new second-hand furniture or just enliven the one at your place, spray painting furniture is one of the best ways to do so. If you want to spray paint wood of any kind, here's how to do it in a professional way like some paint spraying companies London!
Equipment Required
With the right gear comes the right outcome. Before you begin spray painting ensure that you are prepped with all these following items as per the best spraying contractors london-
● Safety gear like masks, goggles and gloves. ● An old rag ● Wood filler ● Spray paint and primer
Now let's get to it!
Steps for Professional Spray Painting
The best lacquer finishing company London follows the steps for Spray Painting as given below!
- Make it smooth
A smoother surface allows you to spray paint seamlessly. Hence, use some tools like a scraper to try to even out the surface eliminating any pops or curves. It is also recommended to dissemble the furniture before spray painting.
- Clean it up
Clean the wood surface so that the paint sticks directly to the wood and nothing in between. Get rid of all dirt and grime on the surface and prep the wood for paint with sandpaper. You might find the wood with a few small holes which can be filled by wood filler. Post filling it, sand a little again to level it up. If you are unable to level it up, you can use some onsite spraying services.
- Choose the right primer
Primer is really the base of your spray paint. A proper primer coat will get you the correct finishing. Any Spray finishing company London uses a white primer for a light shade of paint and a Grey primer for any darker shades to give a dense base to it. You can also sand the surface again once the primer has settled so that we get a perfect surface for our spray paint.
- Paint!
Ready, get, set! It's time to paint your prepared wood. Certain things to remember while spraying as per paint spraying companies London are: ● Hold the can at least 8 inches from your surface ● Use masking tape to cover up areas that you don't wish to paint. ● Shake the can for at least 60 seconds before spraying to mix the contents well ● You should paint in smooth motions and avoid respraying on one particular spray.
- You're done!
The paint might take around an hour or more to settle down on the surface. If you want to check whether your paint is dried and ready, you can use a scraper to see whether some of it comes off. If it does come off easily, you need to let the paint be and if not then you are all set!
Final Words
Spray painting is not that difficult. One can try spraying on a newspaper first before spraying directly on the wood. Once you are handy with the canister motions like paint spraying companies london, you can try it on wood!